Proprietary (third-party) video drivers
Fedora ships a new X.Org X11 server (1.4.99) which brings a large number of benefits to users and a new ABI as described in the feature list.
All drivers contained within Fedora have been ported to use this ABI and mostly work as expected. Third-party drivers from some vendors (AMD (fglrx)) are not yet compatible with this new X.Org ABI. (nVidia has also taken their time, but as of May 28, 2008, an updated driver is available from them and from third-party repositories.) This is not a bug in Fedora, nor even something Fedora can fix, only the third-party vendors can update the drivers due to their choice of licensing. Refer LWN for more details at
You can usually find proprietary drivers in third party repositories such as Livna at